Mission Trail Waste Systems (MTWS) and Envirolutions Consulting will be in your neighborhood the week of September 23, 2024, performing “lid-flips—opening and closing your waste containers to visually inspect the carts for proper material sorting—as required by state law.

SB 1383 Lid Flip Campaign Letter


Be a Waste Sorting Pro!

Use your containers to properly sort your waste for:

    • Compliance with California law SB 1383.*
    • A reduction in the amount of material going to the landfill.
    • A reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
    • Avoid contamination and protect our sorting staff by properly sorting your waste. Make sure the items you place in your Recyclables cart are recyclable.
    • Styrofoam®, plastic film, wrap, and bags, and snack packaging belong in your GARBAGE cart.
    • Food scraps and food-soiled paper belong in your ORGANICS cart.
    • Make sure recyclable plastic, metal, and glass food containers are empty and dry before placing them in the RECYCLABLES cart.
    • Keep your RECYCLABLES loose. Do not bag or contain them.

 Click the carts below to see what goes where.