mirrors, tempered & window glass

Egg Shells & Dairy Products
Egg shells and any dairy products

Coffee Grounds
Coffee grounds & tea leaves

Spoiled Food
Spoiled food, outdated packaging ok

Meat & Bones
Any kind of meat or bones

Meal Prep Waste
Scraps from meal preparation

Plate Waste & Scraps
Waste from leftover meals

Paper Plates & Cups
Soiled Paper plates & used cups

Paper Napkins
Paper napkins or paper towels

Paper Bags
Paper bags used to contain food scraps

Paper Takeout Containers
Used containers for food takeout

Newspaper used to wrap food

Pizza Boxes
Soiled, used pizza boxes

Waxed Paper
Waxed paper or boxes used with food cooking or preparation

Wooden Chopsticks
Used, soiled wooden chopsticks

Fruits & Vegetables
Fruits & Vegetables including peels, pits & rinds

Shredded Paper
Must be in a paper bag, secured with a staple.

Aseptic Boxes
Soup, juice, soy milk.

Up to 40 lbs.

Rugs & Mats
Old Rugs and Mats

Lightbulbs, no fluorescent

Metallic Wrapping
metallic wrapping paper – potato chips

Paper Used for Cleaning (Soiled)
paper used for cleaning (soiled)


Vacuum Bags
Vacuum Bags

6-Pack Rings
Rings for soda and beer cans (please cut)

Plastic Wrap
Plastic Wrap and Film

Plastic Drinking Straws and Stir Sticks

Records, Tapes & CDs
Old music on records, cassette tapes and CDs.

Shower Curtain Liners
Old Shower Plastic Curtain Liners

Duct tape, Scotch Tape, Masking Tape

Cotton Balls
Soiled Cotton Balls

Bread & Pasta
Bread, pasta and other grains

Shoes, Clothing & Stuffed Animals
Old Shoes, Clothing or Stuffed Animals that cannot be donated

Used sponges

Balloons from parties and events

Clothes Hangers
Plastic or wooden clothes hangers

Diapers of any kind

Feminine Products
Feminie Products, tampons, pads

Foam & Styrofoam products

Hoses from garden or rubber hoses

Pet Feces
Feces from any animal or pet

Rubber Bands
Any kind of rubber bands

Toothpaste Tubes
Toothpaste tubes, used or unused

Any toys that cannot be donated